Friday, January 21, 2011


My mom has cooked borsch often but I did not know how to cook it. I got married and left Ukraine right away. I knew I had to master how to cook this dish because my husband loved borsch. Usually he would leave home early in the morning and come back to have lunch at home. This gave me plenty of time to practice, and if my first attempt would fail I still had time to try it again. My first attempt of making borsch was a success! Now everyone in my family loves borsch.  

You will need: 
1 beet
2 carrots
4 potatoes
1 onion
2-3 cups shredded cabbage
1 can (8oz) tomato sauce
2 Tbsp lemon juice or 1/2 Tbsp vinegar
1 Tbsp sugar
2 Tbsp corn oil
salt, pepper to taste
parsley, dill, bay leaf, garlic (optional)

Borsch can be a vegetable soup or based on either chicken or other meat bouillon. 
1. In a large pot prepare bouillon or pour water to 2/3 of a your pot, add salt. Bring to boil.

2. While water in your pot is heating, peal and grate carrots and beet. Peal and dice potatoes. Shred cabbage. Peal skin from the onion.

3. Saute grated carrots and beet with corn oil until it will be cooked according to your taste. I like it more on crunchy side, so I cook for about 10 minutes. You can add a little water while cooking vegetables.

4. Add 2/3 of tomato sauce and saute for 2-3 more minutes. Add sugar and lemon juice.

5. Add potatoes and onion to your pot with boiling water. Cook for 10 minutes.

6. Add shredded cabbage. Cook for 5-7 minutes for more crunchy taste or for a few minutes more if you like your cabbage well cooked.

7. After cabbage is done according to your taste,  add sauteed vegetables and rest of the tomato sauce. Add more salt if needed.

8. Season with pepper, parsley and dill. Bring to boil. Do not let it boil for a long time because borsch will lose its color. Serve hot with sour cream and bread.



Looks yummy!


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